Si Manggis Celebes

Name of Inventors :

  1. Mixelia Ade Novianty
  2. Nurfaisya Riandani
  3. Alwi, Muhammad Shaad Isra
  4. Julian Marchel Nuruwael

Institution : Universitas Hasanuddin

Description :

Si Manggis Celebes is an educational game and application about oral health guidance for children in preschool. Dental and oral health education in this game includes basic information about dental anatomy and its functions, proper nutrients for children’s oral health, prevention efforts in the form of a proper tooth brushing guide, information to avoid bad habits and psychological approaches for children to not be afraid to visit the dentist.

The advantages of  Si Manggis Celebes game that it is using the security system based on parents authorization, its claimed to be the first dental educational game that explains about oral and dental health informatively and it is scientific for preschool children. In addition, there are elements of cultural ideals channeled through this game, can be seen from the background and the support characters that adopt some several regional icons in South Celebes, Indonesia.

Event : World Young Inventors Award 2018