Name of Inventors :
Institution : SMA N 2 Bengkulu Selatan
Description :
We start this business in the healthy field with the mahogany extract as the main stuff. Mahogany trees are yearly plants that can reach ± 5-25 m high, have mono-roots, round stalks, many branches and lots of saps, many leaves, where every leaf has oval shape, and every edge of the leaves is pointed. The mahogany leaves are red when they are young and green when they are old, with many flowers coming from the branches. The oval mahogany flower has five brownhollows Inside it there is a blackish-brown seed. It is this seed that we going to take the main stuff for our business as anti-dengue medicine.
The contents that can be used as anti-dengue is saponin. This seed is used by parts of the Indonesia people to cure lever. The mahogany seed mostly contains saponin. Saponinis useful to prevent “sampar”, to decease the body fat, increase immunity, improve the blood sugar, and strengthen the liver and to make slow the coagulation of the blood. From the illnesses mentioned before then we make an health product to increase the immunity SAN PEMARAH (Spray Resistant Mosquito Prevent Dengue Fever) which is healthy, cheap, friendly to the environment, and practical to drive away mosquitoes in order that the people escape from dengue.
The people rarely attract this business because the people like to use ready spray precuts like Vape and Baygon, which turns out to contain chemistry additives dangerous to the health. It is hoped that this business can improve and advance, so mahogany trees are only thought as shelters but can give positive impacts for the health.
Event : World Young Inventors Exhibition 2018