PERI SHAMPOO (Polyscias Oryza Shampoo) as a Health and Environmental Friendly Shampoo

Name of Inventors :

  1. Vinski Qahirra Erlan
  2. Muhammad Reyhan Afandi
  3. Said Muhammad Nadhif
  4. Annisya Azzahra Nasution
  5. Andjani Luthfiyyah
  6. Namira Yasmine Maharani
  7. Garsianta Ramadhan Siregar

Institution : SMA YPSA Medan

Description :

Hair is one of the supporters of appearance, so it must be treated to stay clean and healthy. Hair care efforts can be done with shampoo. Shampoos are used to remove unwanted particles, such as oil and dandruff, without excessive sebum exfoliation because it can cause the hair to become unruly. Currently, many beauty products use harmful chemicals that can damage hair, such as hair oil, hair spray and other hair health and threaten the scalp. Plants containing secondary metabolites are safer compared to synthetic materials, so it is very useful for the formulation of shampoos from natural materials. On the other hand, the utilization of mangkokan (Polyscias scutellaria) and rice straw (Oryza sativa) has not been maximized since most people do not yet know the benefits and their use.

Though mangkokan leaf and rice straw can be utilized as natural shampoo formulation. According to Ifa ahdiyah (2015), the results of phytochemical tests performed on mangkokan leaf are secondary alkoloid (11.52%), saponin (9.22%), tannins (6.25%) and flavonoids (2.05%) has the function to overcome various kinds of hair problems such as hair loss, dandruff, ulceration, rancid, and hair lice and on rice straws to blacken the hair and nourish the hair roots. The process of making shampoo-based leaves of mangkokan and rice straw begins by inserting Taxafon/Sulfafon and Sodium Clorida into the pan while stirring until well mixed. Add the mangkokan leaf extract and water from the ash mixture bit by bit into the mixture of Texafon/sulfafon and Sodium Cloride while stirring until evenly distributed. Finally enter the olive oil, stirring constantly until completely uniform. So by making use of mangkokan leaves and rice straws can be an alternative solution of shampoo containing harmful chemicals and not environmental friendly.

Event : Malaysia Technology Expo 2018