FOUS (Fat Oil Ultimate Spray): Utilization of Chicken Fat for Burns Medicine and Cut Wounds

Name of Inventors :

  1. Erick Christian Barus
  2. Anisya Salsadila Aiman Siagian
  3. Atthoriq Tisarda Okta Reynara
  4. Hari Prananda Aditya
  5. George Deo Archa Sinambela
  6. Muhammad Fahreza Nasution

Institution : SMA N 1 Matauli Pandan

Description :

Chicken is a poultry that has became one of the staple food that is often consumed by the people of Indonesia, Indonesian people like to cook dishes made from chicken because it is easy to obtain and delicious. However, the general public uses only the meat and the inside of the chicken, while the fat from the chicken will be discarded and become waste since it contains very high cholesterol. Production of chicken meat in Indonesia is quite high, this can be proven by data of chicken production in Indonesia in 2015 from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) that reached 1,628,307 tons per year.

Production of chicken farming has increased in 2016 to 1,689,584 tons, with the increase of chicken production resulting the increase of chicken fat waste. Various studies that show a positive result of chicken fat containing protein with eight amino acids esenssial say that chicken fat is a good fat that can help heart disease. The main fatty acids present in chickens are myristic acid, palmitic acid, margarine acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid, stearate acid, arachidonic acid, eikosenar (eikosanoat) acid, and arachic acid. Essential fatty acids, especially arachidonates, are precursors of prostaglandins (PGF2α) that can affect cell replication. Essential amino acids in fat helps heal bones, muscle tissue and skin.

Considering the above research results, through library research using scientific research journals and other sources related products labeled “FOUS”. Another advantage of “FOUS” is the protein content of eight essential amino acids contained in it to accelerate wound healing or for health. The following is the implementation of this idea expected to be a way out.

Event : World Young Inventors Exhibition 2018