OWLS (Organic Waste Liquid Supplement)

Name of Innovators :

  1. Daffa Afiz Habibbillah
  2. Primus Muhammad Ihza kusuma

Institution : SMA Semesta Semarang

Description :

Our product is OWLS (Organic Waste Liquid Supplement) which is an organic supplement for the livestock. By using OWLS the appetite of the livestock will increase so it will make the weight of the livestock increased. The basic ingredient of our product is from alcoholic industrial waste and hyacinth plant.

We use the alcoholic industrial waste as a breeding media of probiotic bacteria to manufacture of livestock feed fermentation and the hyacinth plant is used as the basic ingredient. So our product presented that by using an abundant waste and something that can be found easily in the environment which also become a big problem around the world we can make a product which have lots of benefits and usefull for the community.

Event :

  • JDIE 2017

MedalĀ :

  • Gold Medal